Dec 20 2008
09:19 am

We're adding a new link for Progressives. To get a good idea of what's in store when you go there try this essay about the myths that conservatives believe about Progressives. Like most everything else that conservatives believe, they are simply wrong.



Interesting link. There's nothing I hate more than misinformation.

Don't you just love it?

If someone believes you belong in this box, this is what you'll believe; if someone else thinks you belong in that box, that is what you'll believe. If you're an atheist, you must believe this, if you're a Christian, you must believe that, and if you're a Muslim, you must believe this other that Jews don't.

Isn't it just so wonderful when everyone else knows what you believe, and think? Don't you just love being put into a box, crammed into a mould, and have your opinions, beliefs, and thoughts chosen by those who think they are smarter than you?

Does it make some feel superior to think they can dictate the views of others? This venomous, vile, vitriol and the vermin that vouchsafe it are what I find intolerable, regardless of the labels they hang upon their own necks. Keep your compartmentalized, cretinous, creations to yourselves and realize something rather startling to the blind, closed minded, collective. Those around you are individuals, unique and wonderful in their own ways. Most are neither one way or the other, but an interesting mix of both, depending on the context.

I found this article to be a castigating, castration of every autonomous individual, and an insult to every thinking mind. It has one trait that I can praise, however, in that it shows the putrid, puerile, pontification that some {thankfully not all} "progressives" champion. Whether they be victims of political polarization, or the perpetrators of it matters little, as they are participants.

To echo Sassyfras, with a reverberation, "There's nothing I hate more than misinformation", except for disinformation, and polarizing disinformation is the worst of all.

I am so lucky [REVISED]

After reading this article, I see the light.

I am so fortunate to live in a country in which every idea of value, every worthy advancement, and every notable accomplishment resulted from the efforts of liberals in the brief spans in which they managed to wrest control in order to reverse the destructive, greedy, and enslaving polices of evil, Neolithic conservatives.

How enlightening to discover that only liberals contribute, only liberals are good, and only liberals have the ability and intelligence to lead us.

To borrow a most fitting phrase...

Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!

Way to go off the deep end, Brant

After the big damned mess we're in because of conservative control of all three branches of government, It would seem that some folks would realize that no single ideology is long term functional for the benefit of all the people. It takes some components of several and some kind of functional checks and balance system to serve us all well.

But even speaking to your absurd premis, if only this country were run by liberals, we might be far more invested in a nanny state but we would certainly have not lost trillions of dollars and killed millions of civilians in foreign wars, and we would have mass transportation, a greener economy, healthier environment, and a functional small business economy.

You are so right - I mean left

Undoubtedly, I went overboard by implying that Liberals have always run things.

Please forgive me; the awe-inspiring accomplishments of Liberals as related in the article overwhelmed my atrophied conservative mind. My only excuse is that the blinding light of Truth revealed by the article caused me to forget myself.

How foolish a reaction to the powerful article that clearly demonstrates the greatness of Liberals and the baseness of conservatives, of course, Liberals haven't always been in control.

If they had, there would be nothing left for them to do because the World would already be a perfect place.


I revised my original comment to reflect the reality that Liberals have only occasionally run the show.



Liberals have controlled both houses of Congress in all but 16 years since WWII and the White House about 50% of the time.

That conservatives were able to destroy our nation, cause global warming, and start every foreign war in the history of our nation in such a short time is evidence of their complete and total incompetence.

I've seen the light! I will henceforth blindly obey… I will cease to think for myself and will swallow even the most obvious piece of propaganda.


Sometimes you just don't have anything to contribute

But that doesn't seem to stop you, does it, Brant?

It's all good!

Sometimes it's fun to imagine you rolling your eyes and saying, "Good Grief!”

Haven’t you figured out when I am pulling your leg? Must I use little emoticons?

Besides when I read articles that are so obviously propaganda I assume they are tongue in cheek. No one would expect people, even sensible Liberals, to take such links seriously.

Now be honest didn’t you chuckle even a bit when you read “Hail Kos! Hail Kos!” It was funny, I laughed and I bet others did as well.

If that didn’t crack you up, you must have smiled when you read the part about the “destructive, greedy, and enslaving polices of evil, Neolithic conservatives” and I bet the quip about “my atrophied conservative mind” left you in stitches. (I still chuckle when I read that!)

On the other hand, maybe the author was trying cheer up introspective Liberals. I imagine there are still many Liberals who don’t feel completely at ease loathing conservatives. The article gives even the most sensitive Liberals justification for harboring ill will and hard feelings toward conservatives….

It’s the ole dehumanize the enemy and it’s easier to hate them trick.

What happened to the word moderate?

KL, you should win some sort of award for your earlier post! I have never seen so many adjectives strung together. I am surprised to see the word polarization in your post. You demonstrate your own polarization by describing any view other than yours as disinformation.

Liberals have their tenets as do conservatives. Trouble is, the extremists of both dogmas treat each other as stupid, wrongheaded or dangerous to our way of life; all the the while chanting their own mantra. Each time the leadership of the country leans one way or the other, the winner promises better days to come and the loser predicts armageddon......yet little ever changes outside the Beltway. Politicians don't keep promises, government gets bigger, spending gets bigger, and "Joe Six Pack" keeps taking it in the shorts.

All conservative thought is no more flawed than all liberal thought is, but until the best and brightest from both sides of the fence can sit down, forget their labels, and brainstorm to find real solutions we are destined for more of the same.

WC wants this to be a "Progressive" site which I guess translates to "Liberal" in many minds. Here's Webster's definition of progressive:
1.favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, esp. in political matters: a progressive mayor.

I think anyone with a grain of intelligence would find it easy to become that type of progressive.

If it only stopped there

If this site reflected progressivism expressed as political strategy rather than liberal dogma perhaps we could have intelligent conversations about our POLICY differences and similarities.

However, here I have heard little progressive thought.

Instead, what is called progressive is in actuality the same old mind numbing party rhetoric, “Liberal good, conservative bad” and visa versa, crap that we get on talk radio and the Daily KOS.

If the article linked above was held out as progressive thought, then progressivism is dead. As expressed by our moderator, progressive appears to mean liberal, which means Democrat, which is NOT progressive at all.

True progressives distrust government and are equally disillusioned with BOTH parties as I.

Blindly following party leadership spouting party propaganda along the way (from either side) is NOT progressive.

True progressives such as Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and Hubert Humphrey would be as put off by the article linked in this thread as I.

If we stopped demonizing the "other" side and actually talked about political policy, strategy and tactics for accomplishing mutually beneficial goals this site would be a great deal more meaningful.

Progressives aren’t afraid to debate ideas on their merits and they wouldn't push drivel like the article cited above.

It seems to me that the most vocal “progressive” on this site is a poser - a democrat party troll.

Brant, You said absolutely nothing at all

If you want to post here, justify what you're saying. You just spout drivel and don't back up anything you say. That's the conservative way, I guess, but it has gotten old and doesn't amuse in the least. It reminds me of that snotty kid who sits around and flicks boogers everytime someone tries to have a discussion and then justifies it with "Hey, I thought it was funny".

You seem to crave attention but you haven't offered one single solution that I know of. All I hear is your "Liberals bad" spiel and so much disonformation that I don't want to take up my time correcting it all.

Radical Middle Acceptence

KL, you should win some sort of award for your earlier post! I have never seen so many adjectives strung together. I am surprised to see the word polarization in your post. You demonstrate your own polarization by describing any view other than yours as disinformation.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-) I once had such an award for alliteration, but lost it to Hugo Weaving {V for Vendetta}. I now have to settle for second place.

My own "polarization" is neither "Right" nor "Left", so are you saying I'm polarized to the middle? Hmmm. I am the "Radical Middle"? I like that. It's almost oxymoronic, a paradoxical pragmatic approach. Cool, a label I wouldn't mind wearing.

Randmart, both sides have pluses, and both sides have minuses. What both sides share, in equal measure, is a gravitation toward tyranny; it is simply the nature of government. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It is no secret that the "Left" tends to expand the power of government, and the "Right" tends to consolidate the power of government. This is the political history of this country, not to mention the entire history of politics and government regardless of country.

Let us assume that WC is solidly "Left Wing", and Brant is just as solidly "Right Wing", and both are honest and honorable men. One thing both would have to admit is that no policy, from either side, can account for all probabilities, let alone all possibilities. The best either can hope for is to cover the widest range of probabilities, and hope for the possibilities that may or may not occur.

The greater the power that government acquires the more invasive it becomes, and the greater the tyranny it exerts. This isn't theory, this is fact. The present economic "crisis" was partially caused by exerting governmental "power" to induce a greater degree of home ownership {for reasons that are not without merit} but no equal counter-balancing "power" to regulate the results. This provided an open door to those at the top of the credit and finance industry to gain even greater control over the market and the smaller financial corporations, so that when the inevitable crash came they would be in a position to expand and consolidate their own influence, holdings, and "Power".

When the "Bail Out" came along, both sides, realizing they had screwed up, sought to compensate and ended up handing even more power to those at the top of the financial industry. They panicked because they didn't/don't understand the dynamics of the Federal Reserve System, the economy, or even the results of what they've done. They didn't even read the "Bail Out" bills, they just passed them because the financial top dogs {"experts"} told them that if they didn't the US economy would crash and burn. Bear in mind that this was both parties, both wings, and the Bird they are supposed to support fell.

This is my view from the middle; the disinformation is all the information I'm not going into. Is this where I am trying to polarize people to? You bet your bottom dollar {for what it's worth} it is!!!! Yes!!! Guilty as charged!!!! The court may now throw itself upon my mercy. LOL

Liberals have their tenets as do conservatives. Trouble is, the extremists of both dogmas treat each other as stupid, wrongheaded or dangerous to our way of life; all the the while chanting their own mantra. Each time the leadership of the country leans one way or the other, the winner promises better days to come and the loser predicts armageddon......yet little ever changes outside the Beltway. Politicians don't keep promises, government gets bigger, spending gets bigger, and "Joe Six Pack" keeps taking it in the shorts.

You are absolutely correct, and so are both sides. Considering how long this is getting I tried to shorten this paragraph, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. You're right on every point you make, and oddly enough so are both wings.

All conservative thought is no more flawed than all liberal thought is, but until the best and brightest from both sides of the fence can sit down, forget their labels, and brainstorm to find real solutions we are destined for more of the same.

If "both sides" means "We the People", I'm with you 100%; if "both sides" means government, I really have to part ways on this point. We, the people, need a new American Revolution; not one of guns and bloodshed, but of education. We've allowed the government to run our schools, rather than doing it ourselves. There have been issues that seemed to require governmental control, but that's because We, the people, failed in our responsibilities to the schools and our children. It is, however, to the results of governmental control that I take issue now.

Our children are not being educated. I've seen the education my three children got in school, seen the result of the school system in the generations that have come after mine, and taken note of the education of the generation that came before me. I can say that the education my Granddaughters are receiving is vastly reduced even from the one I received. This, coupled with the decreased discipline in the homes, is leading us toward a generation that will no longer be capable of living in any kind of free society.

1.favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, esp. in political matters: a progressive mayor.

I think anyone with a grain of intelligence would find it easy to become that type of progressive.

Very true, but the "Left/Right" polarization tends to steer clear of definitions for their doctrines; whether in government, churches, or society at large. Wisdom is called for, but government has shown it is incapable of that quality, so it is left to We, the people. This is the very heart of my point of view, my polarization if you will. This is why my Pole is the only correct Pole to gather at; care to join me?

Centrist is Good!!

Love the concept of "Radical Middle"...let's start a new party.

However, tyranny is really a strong word, but government is out of hand in many respects. We the people have indeed allowed our schools stifle achievement while squandering resources on programs to ensure that the next generation of hamburger flippers can read. We the people, in great part, have become so self indulgent that our children simply mimic what they see and are growing up with a sense of entitlement that is scary.

With respect to the financial bailouts, the only entitiy with the horsepower to provide even stopgap measures is/was the government. Even though Uncle Sam contributed greatly to the problem, it was beyond self correction unless you believe that an absolute crash of the financial system would have proved beneficial. I admire your grasp and understanding of the Federal Reserve System (totally baffles included), but the dire warnings were not all cries of wolf. Since May of this year over 20 banks have failed in the US. Had Citi, B of A, Chase, Wells and some of the other biggies gone belly up, the result would have been chaos on a world wide scale.

I'm certainly not in favor of a nanny state but earnestly believe that our government needs to implement programs "for the people". In virtually every other aspect we demand our money's worth, but when it comes to government we turn over the cash and settle for what we get.

I agree that a new American Revoultion is in order, but will only take place when the so called "silent majority" gets loud.

Radical Middle

It is said that when the government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fear the government there is tyranny. If the shoe fits, I say wear it.

How long has it been since you read the Declaration of Independence? For me, it has been a few weeks, but I tend to read it more now than I ever did. I was reading it one night in September {taking a break from reading the "Bail Out" bill, and watching the House and Senate play their little games}. It was horrifying to read a charge against King George and England, and my mind fill in the same charges against the government of the US. I began again, and there were barely a handful of charges leveled at King George and England that the US isn't guilty of.

If I assume that each of them has taken the same oath that every member of the military does, to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, almost every man and woman has betrayed their oath. I believe that is called Treason. The result of this has been the growth of tyranny in the US beyond the scope of most citizens. Like me, they don't want to think their government capable of this, but it is.

How do they do this with the other party playing "watchdog"? H.R. 1955 was submitted by a Democrat from California, and supported by both parties. If you haven't read it, you really should. It is good preparation for the US PATRIOT act; and that one is a real piece of work.

Ross Perot nailed the Republicans and Democrats dead on when he observed that they were two sides of the same coin.

Look where I've been for a moment. I registered as a Republican in 1973, on my 18th Birthday, and I've been a Republican ever since, until 2006, though I voted for Perot. I'm essentially a conservative, but have many "liberal" friends, even though we tend to agree more than we disagree. I've watched both parties, and aside from the rhetoric neither party is what it represents itself to be. They have both abandoned those who support them, but keep us all so polarized against each other we rarely notice the game they play.

I decided it was time for some plain talk from the "Radical Middle", to hopefully do what the parties fear most. Get people to talk to each other, see how much we have in common, and see who the real enemy is. My goal is simple enough; to help bring about that condition where the government once more fears the people.

In keeping with this agenda, I never vote for the incumbent, I limit all to one term, never elect anyone twice, and though it isn't very popular I hold to the idea that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.

I love my country, deeply, but that love is not extended to the government of my country. If more felt and thought as I do, we could have honest government in 8 to 10 years.

Continued in next post

Radical Middle {contd.}

Sorry about that last one. I got going and forgot where the brakes are.

With respect to the financial bailouts, the only entitiy with the horsepower to provide even stopgap measures is/was the government.

I don't want this to come across rude, but I think there's something you don't understand. The US government doesn't have any financial "horsepower". It gave that up in 1913 with the 16th Amendment. There is a lot more I could say on this, but I'll leave it here for now.

Even though Uncle Sam contributed greatly to the problem, it was beyond self correction unless you believe that an absolute crash of the financial system would have proved beneficial. I admire your grasp and understanding of the Federal Reserve System (totally baffles included), but the dire warnings were not all cries of wolf. Since May of this year over 20 banks have failed in the US. Had Citi, B of A, Chase, Wells and some of the other biggies gone belly up, the result would have been chaos on a world wide scale.

Compare this year to 1907 and 1929. You will find the same games being played in the financial system, with the same results. What you have to understand is that competition to those at the top of the "food chain" is a sin. JP Morgan/Chase offered to buy Bear/Stearns for $234 million, but was going to get $80 Billion from the Fed {before the "Bail Out" bill} to buy out Bear/Stearns. 2.4 cents on the dollar for the company, and I'll let you calculate the profit margin between $234 million and $80 Billion. Now, after the "Bail Out" the banks that received the TARP money are refusing to give an accounting of what they've done with it, and they are still refusing to open up the credit market. If they are refusing to open it back up after the extortion has been paid, take a big hairy guess who closed it in the first place.

D.C. doesn't have the clout to override the banks, and Bush can't bail out the auto industry with the "Bail Out" money unless the banks allow him to. That money will come from elsewhere if they don't give their permission. Watch it and see.

Put yourself in the position of King of the US for awhile, and ponder what the result would have been with a "bottom up" bail out, instead of a "top down". See if you don't agree that the credit market would have opened up full within 2 days, this recession would have ended within a week. When the wealth of the country gravitates to the hands of the few, as it did in 07 and 29, the people suffer and the government is powerless {what ended the Great Depression? WWII because war is profitable to bankers}.

The "New Deal" was, for the most part, a bust. It got a few working, and some infrastructure projects underway and some done, but for the vast majority, especially in this region, it did virtually nothing.

Government programs don't really work, they just make it look like the government is trying to do something; it is to manipulate our perceptions, not to accomplish anything. Illusions, last time I checked, don't put food on the table, pay the bills, or clothe families.

As these two posts show, I'm cranking it. Not to full volume, but I really can't cut loose with everything I've got. If I did, it would be overwhelming, and I'm not sure I've done much more than scratch the surface; I'm still learning, and not liking most of it. Education is the bottom line. An educated public, an aware electorate, and a demanding constituency is what I'm shooting for, but I can't do it alone, and I can't do it everywhere. I can only hope to get others to look, but if they look there is a chance they'll see, and if they see maybe they'll get mad and look some more, see more, and go beyond mad to P*SS*D. Then our elected representatives better beware because we will be seeing how much we've already lost, and we'll want it back.

Progressives, Conservatives, whatever labels you like, may have different ways of looking at issues, but in one thing both should be standing firmly shoulder to shoulder; Each of us has the Freedom and the Right, granted to us by our Creator, to work out our Liberty in our own way, so long as we don't infringe on the Rights and Freedoms of others. No government, no document, no committee gave us those rights; they come "from nature and from nature's God".


Put that darned Kryptonite away!!! That crap gives me diarrhea of the fingers!!!! LOL

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