May 10 2008
07:12 am

Or Mother's Day, actually.

House Resolution H 1113 proclaiming there are 82,000,000 mothers in America and that Sunday, May 11 is their day was introduced and passed unanimously.

Zach Wamp was "For it, before he was against it."

Then some Republican must have realized that Mother's Day is actually an anti war protest, initiated by the woman who wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic only to realize what she had done.

Anti War! Republicans can't be "anti war"! So they tried to "reconsider" the vote, meaning defeat the resolution.

Zach Wamp voted against Mother's Day!...He lost. We're having Mother's Day this year and there's nothing Republicans can do about it, bless their dark little souls.

The REAL Mother's Day proclamation of Julia Ward Howe

The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."
Blood does not wipe out dishonor, nor violence indicate possession.
As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil at the summons of war,
Let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel

Hyperbole... alive and well...

A Republican does something that some people don't like... and all of a sudden he "hates" mothers. What hogwash. That's a stretch. I've often been reminded by the venerable owner of this forum that we are each entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts. Facts, please. Documentation where something says Zach Wamp HATES mothers. I've been called out on not presenting verifiable facts. Now I exercise he same perogative.

Or is it OK to not present verifiable facts as long as a post spreads hate for Republicans?


Snark Alert, RB...

Come on...Zach voted against Mother's day for reasons I pointed out.

Republicans are going nuts right now with parliamentary maneuvers that don't make much sense...The vote to reconsider the Pro Mothers Day resolution is just one of them. When republicans do something mean and stupid and I point it out, I'm not the bad guy.

Why not point out some of

Why not point out some of the "mean and stupid" things some democrats have done. Oh, wait, can they do no wrong?
Actually, I read your anti-republican snips with a grain of salt, or completely ignore them, as I do other writers who launch into partisan attacks every chance they get.

When Republicans quit doing

When Republicans quit doing mean and nasty things, I'll quit pointing them out. Democrats don't usually do mean things...they stick to stupid, for the most part, and I have talked about those, but Dems are getting a little smarter and less stupid. They are learning to not trust Republicans.

But enough of that...Why don't you tell us why 172 Republicans voted to reconsider the vote recognizing Mother's Day? What is bad about honoring our Mothers, other than the fact that they rarely lead this country into an unjust war on false pretenses?

Shouldn't we honor our

Shouldn't we honor our Mothers on every day? Do we really need a bunch of politicians telling us when?

Oh, does that line of thought mean 'I hate Mothers"???

Seriously, isn't there enough stuff going on than to have to spout this type of petty propaganda?
That's probably my biggest problem with the Democratic machine. They swallow an elephant and choke on a gnat!
Give me a break!

Swing and a Miss, H

There is no Dem machine and that's part of the problem.

Now ask yourself why Zach voted against Mother's Day? It was all petty politics aimed at messing with Congress' ability to get legislation passed, something he railed about when Dems were in the minority.

Rather than be open and discuss things they just wanted to ruin everything, even if it meant putting forth a clear dmonstration of how sleazy and unprincipled they are. I think Zach Wamp is better than that and he needs to show it.

Facts and truth are not propaganda, by the way. Saying things like this:

That's probably my biggest problem with the Democratic machine. They swallow an elephant and choke on a gnat!

Definitely is propaganda.

I think you have more in you than Meaningless drivel. Think about things and let's have a real conversation on things like this, not just a war of slogans.

"Rather than be open and

"Rather than be open and discuss things they just wanted to ruin everything, even if it meant putting forth a clear dmonstration of how sleazy and unprincipled they are."

My comment: This quote is your opinion and as such would be deemed propaganda because you tend to lump all the elected Republicans into the title "they."

We do have some hard working elected officials on both sides of the aisles. The ones you don't necessarily agree with don't deserve to be thrown in with your description of them being "sleazy and unprincipled."

Let's don't get bogged down here

Why don't you see what you can find out about the vote of the 178 Republicans who voted to "reconsider" the Mother's Day resolution. If there was some grand priciple involved, other than just trying to screw up the legislative session, let's talk about that.

Otherwise, it's pretty obvious that they were just playing games and deserve to be called out.

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