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Eco warriors and politics
- The state of our society: A prophetic perspective on Tennessee and Memphis (TN Lookout)
- Tennessee’s own EV charging program still running as Trump hits brakes on federal grants (TN Lookout)
- Lawsuits multiply against Trump barrage of orders as Democrats struggle to fight back (TN Lookout)
- U.S. Department of Justice backs out of Tennessee transgender care case (TN Lookout)
- Tennessee speaker’s bill would defund local governments for violating state law (TN Lookout)
- Stockard on the Stump: Old hands, not dark money, push vouchers to passage (TN Lookout)
- U.S. Senate confirms Russ Vought, a Project 2025 author, to manage the nation’s budget (TN Lookout)
- Seattle judge is second to indefinitely block Trump’s birthright citizenship order (TN Lookout)
Science and stuff
- Readers discuss an unsung scientist, a mutant bacterium named Chonkus, Science News’ new look (Science News Daily)
- A daring plan to hold back the sea (Science News Daily)
- Cuttlefish ink may overwhelm sharks’ sense of smell (Science News Daily)
- This bird’s eye view of a shark hunt won a photo contest (Science News Daily)
- A second version of bird flu is infecting cows. What does that mean? (Science News Daily)
- How mantis shrimp deliver punishing blows without hurting themselves (Science News Daily)
- Sleeping pills may have unexpected effects on the snoozing brain (Science News Daily)
- The best way to cook an egg — in 32 minutes (Science News Daily)
- Extinct moa ate purple trufflelike fungi, fossil bird droppings reveal (Science News Daily)
- Can geoengineering plans save glaciers and slow sea level rise? (Science News Daily)
- Maybe it's time to reenergize RoaneViews...Or does anyone have a better idea? (2 replies)
- The Constitution Won, Trump Lost in Colorado...Now What? (1 reply)
- Our Very Own George Santos, TN GOP Congressman Ogles is Pretty Much Insane (1 reply)
- Destroying Jim Jordan, All Without Mentioning Jordan's Support For Sexual Abusing Athletes (1 reply)
- Want to See Who Owns Your State Senators and Reps? (1 reply)
- 9-11 Strangest Uninvestigated Fact (2 replies)
- It's Gettin' Real, Now...Gloria Johnson Made Wonkette! (1 reply)
- Does Rep Fritts Want School Shooters to Have Access to AR 15s? (2 replies)
- How many Trees Died Trying Save Us From Global Warming? (1 reply)
- Feel Good Friday,,,From our "If Only" Dept. (1 reply)
- Tennessee Education Worsens Under Bill Lee and GOP (1 reply)
- The Most Important Thing You Will Read Today! (1 reply)
Lost Medicaid Funding
Brother Websites
Local Interest:
Folks that Help:
- All Hat No Cattle
- American Progress
- Campaign for America's Future
- Daily KOS
- digby
- Paul Krugman
- Talking Points Memo
- Whitehouse.gov
Local News Media:
Local Government:
- City of Harriman
- City of Harriman Code
- City of Kingston
- City of Kingston Code
- City of Oliver Springs
- City of Oliver Springs Code
- City of Rockwood
- City of Rockwood Code
- Congressman Charles 'Chuck' J. Fleischmann
- Rep. Kent Calfee
- Rep. Ron Travis
- Roane County
- Roane Schools
- St. Sen. Ken Yager