Jun 20 2009
07:51 am
By: WhitesCreek

As we have learned with our own coal fired plant, they've made strides in correcting air pollution while we are drowning in the coal ash leachate pouring into our lake. Each year TVA discharges enough arsenic to kill everybody in Tennessee and enough selenium to kill every man woman and child in Roane County 18 times over. That has to stop.

EPA is currently in the process of revising its 25-year-old effluent limitation guidelines ("ELGs") for power plants. Currently, the guidelines fail to set any limits for heavy metals, and they entirely fail to address discharges of waste water from scrubbers and ash handling systems and discharges from ash landfills, impoundments, and ponds. As power plants around the country finally begin to install modern controls for air pollution, we are now confronting increased water pollution problems. Power plants should be held accountable for cleaning up both air and water pollution. Please consider signing on to the attached letter, which urges EPA: (1) to set ELG limits for metals; (2) to set zero discharge limits for scrubbers and ash handling systems; and (3) to develop BMPs to prevent unlawful pollution from ash disposal sites.
The DEADLINE for signing on is FRIDAY, JUNE 19 at 3pm

The Truth Will Finally Come Out

The truth is finally comming out showly but surely. I am taking Chemical and Heavy Metal Detox in Brentwood, TN, and what comes out of my body looks like I am full of coal ash every time. It is disgusting and even gags me when I look at it every time I do a hand or foot detox bath. I have done 10 detox hand or foot baths so far and every one of them was full of what looked like coal ash. The baths turned black with tiny black flakes. I feel that my whole body was laden with the coal ash blowing in the air around there over the past 32 years I lived there. The disaster was a lethal dose of coal ash for me. I had to move out of my lake house that I loved. Even after this amount of time in detox, I have only gotten rid of 1/4 of the Mercury out of my system. At least that much is already out of me.

TVA is going to destroy all the fish in that area. The fish are not even good enough to eat anyway. The fish are all contaminated now. TVA has done more damage that everyone can imagine. We all blamed the DOE sites, and heaven know what they have done, but TVA has quietly done their share of contamination in the past 55 or so years. TVA has created an airborne invisible contamination that no one knows how to clean up. Even as a former Radiological Control Technologist, I would not even try to attempt it. The invisible monster is too big.

My daughter tried to take a fews sentimental things from my lake house to her home in Franklin, TN, and we still could not get the things decontaminated. I knew immediately when she had brought something contaminated into the house. I have the Porphyrn Disease and know immediately because my skin stings.

I threw away my great grandfathers' over 100 year old Bibles and Bible reference books. I threw away our over 100 year old family Bible handed down to me from my grandfather. They can't be washed page by page, so they had to be destroyed. How sad is all that? My daughter is taking pictures out of frames and albums and throwing the frames away and wiping down the pictures. I threw away all the books that my daughter brought from the lake house. All the books still at the lake house will be thrown away also. Even my collection of herb and gardening books.

I am not going to get anything else from my lake house that cannot be washed with soap and water and a water hose, or put into a commercial laundry mat washer to be washed at least three times. Everyone in the area of the fly ash are moving the contamination with them everywhere they go. It flys around invisible and no one sees it unless it is bigger than silt size.

Everyone should take some classes on airborne contamination, so that they know what they are dealing with. It will scare the daylights out of you when you find out what you are breathing. Even Matt Landon, with United Mountain Defense, thinks that he is avoiding inhalation of the coal ash by wearing his respirator, but when he takes it off, he breathes in the contamination from his clothes, his hair, and inside his vehicle. He wore the contaminated clothes to his home and, therefore, took the contamination to his home. He is now also living in the contamination just like a lot of other people are now.

I have washed my bedroom down 3 times so far at my daughters house in Franklin, TN, (including the celling, walls, floor, and vents, just to make sure that I keep my room clean of the ash. We put in new air filters every two weeks and try to make sure that what we have brought here is totally decontaminated. There are going to be a lot of very very sick people in the area near the Kingston Coal Fire Plant. After reaching your body burden level (everyones is different), any more toxins to the bocy will become lethal and people will die of premature death. People have already died of premature death, and no one could figure out why. It just got blamed on heart attack, stroke, or cancer. Their bodies couldn't take it any longer.

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Lost Medicaid Funding

To date, the failure to expand Medicaid / TennCare has cost the State of Tennessee ? in lost federal funding.